An Outback Pub like No Other

The Croydon Club Hotel was once one of 36 hotels in the gold rush era and is the only one remaining in Croydon, still standing strong today. This Outback pub isn’t just a pub - it’s a time capsule. As the sun dips low, framed by the old wooden veranda, the sky ignites — a canvas of gold and amber, pinks and purples. Here, locals and travelers gather, clinking glasses to honor those who came before and creating great connections with laughter and perhaps a few tall tales.

While enjoying hearty, comforting dishes that hit the spot everytime, relax and undwind. Enjoy a soundtrack of familiar tunes playing on the jukebox, the clatter of a game of pool, and the laughter and conversation of locals.

Old-school hits, rock anthems, and soulful tunes fill the air. Grab a cold drink, select your favorite track, and let the music transport you. Whether it’s Elvis crooning or the Rolling Stones rocking, the Club Hotel knows how to set the mood.

The Club Hotel’s pool table is the heart of the action. Challenge your friends to a friendly game or join the regulars for a more competitive match. As you line up shots and strategise your next move, the camaraderie flows as freely as the beer.

So, gather your crew, settle into a cozy spot, and soak up the vibes at the Croydon Club Hotel. It’s more than a place to eat and drink: it’s where memories are made, laughter echoes, and good times roll. 

To preorder food, please call (07) 4745 6184
