Croydon's Chinese Heritage: A Glimpse into Gold Rush Days 

Step into the pages of history as you wander through the captivating Chinese Temple site in the heart of Croydon. This remarkable site stands as a testament to the vibrant past of the Gulf Savannah Region, showcasing the pivotal role it played in shaping Queensland and contributing to the federation of Australia.

Unravel the Past on the Heritage Trail

Grab your hat and mosey along the Chinese Heritage Trail. You'll stumble upon the original Temple, the second-largest pig oven in the southern hemisphere, and sandstone plinths sharing the stories of Chinatown's past. It's like strolling through a history book, but with a touch of country charm.

From Gravestones to Homesteads: Living Legacies:

In 2007, we delved into the Chinese gravestones scattered in local cemeteries. With a hand from Wei Liao, we discovered that most early Chinese settlers in Croydon hailed from Guangdong Province. Decendents of these first arrivals still live in Croydon. You can explore the home of one such family by visiting either the replica at the Visitor Information Centre or the original now located at the Outdoor Mining Museum. 

Share Your Stories:  

If you hold information or photos of Chinese settlers in Croydon, we invite you to contribute to the ongoing narrative. Contact the Visitor Information Centre at Ph: 07 4748 7153 or Email: to be a part of preserving and celebrating this rich heritage.

Entry is Free, All Year Round

Feel the echoes of history in every step as you explore Croydon's Chinese Heritage. Entry is free, and the site welcomes visitors year-round. Immerse yourself in a bygone era, where the fusion of cultures shaped a community and left an enduring legacy in the heart of Queensland's gold rush country.